In 1997, deer population on Reef Island was reduced by 90%. Repeated hunts the following years kept the population at a low level
Before cull - open understorey with dying shrubs, no regeneration
Released from browsing pressure, vegetation started regenerating the following year - Left: browsed seedling - Right: regenerating seedling
Vegetation recovers - From left to right: the same plot before the cull, 4 years later, 8 years later and 10 years later
Ferns recover - Top left: 2 years after cull - Top right: 4 years after - Bottom left: 8 years after - Bottom right: 10 years later
Vegetation recovers along a trail - left before cull - right 10 year
Salal recovers - From left to right: before cull, 4 years after, 8 years after
Shoreline vegetation recovers - From left to right: before the cull, 2 years after, 8 years after, 10 years after